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Farmers' Breakfast, Lythe

Farmers' Breakfast takes place in Lythe Village Hall
On the 1st Wednesday of every month
Please contact; 01751 432288 for more information.

The concept originally coming after consultations and the realisation that there is much rural isolation and loneliness in the elderly population, made worse by the gradual shutting down of rural marts and the reduction of public transport in rural communities.

Meet friends old and new, enjoy bacon butties and a chat!

Loneliness and isolation has become endemic in many of our rural areas in North Yorkshire and this monthly group enables those who are less able to interact and find themselves isolated to meet with friends old and new for a cup of tea, listen to a rural or locally inspired speaker and then most importantly have a bacon buttie and a chat.

Volunteers provide companionship and assist with transport

A regular group of volunteers is on hand to sit and chat with clients and transport to the group is provided by volunteer drivers, ensuring that we are able to support even the most rurally isolated in the community. Transport is a big issue as many of these clients live in isolated villages and hamlets with a poor provision of public transport.

Informative visits by many organisations

PCSOs and the fire service and other statutory bodies, social prescribers, partner charities etc also visit on a regular basis to offer support.

Regular contact provides a trusting relationship

Another big unquantifiable benefit of the event is that clients are seen and called regularly by staff and deterioration is quickly noticed. A strong sense of trust is built up in the group.

Some comments shared after recent breakfasts

‘Ahh I haven’t seen Mary since we were both at the dances over 60 year ago.! Thank you’

‘It was good to see the old films, it reminded me of my courting days. I wish Jim was still with me now.' From a widow.

‘It is always so nice to see all you young (all a matter of perception) ladies on a Wednesday’

‘It’s been so evocative; it’s everything our parents and grandparents told us about and seeing all this just connects us to those stories.’

‘I was the youngest in the family. I used to ride on my dad’s cart horse when we went down to the smithy. We were out all day.’

Bacon butties!!! Very friendly environment.

I feel warm and safe.

Snap shots of a recent survey of users:

What particularly stands out for you: Speakers/Social/Bacon Sandwich. Enjoy the feeling of community. I always feel valued. Caring, Supportive, interesting. I love that they cater for intolerances with the food.


No wonder people 'flock' to our monthly Farmers Breakfast in Lythe Thanks to Whitby Falconers, this month, our group enjoyed close encounters of the feathered kind Here's Colin 'pulling a bird at last' and former teacher Anne with another wise owl .. a great morning for everyone! 

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