Our Services

Visiting Service for older people living alone
How the service works
The visiting service provides companionship for older people living on their own.
What we can do
The volunteer will provide the social and emotional support of a friend. The volunteer will visit for an hour or two every week or fortnight, depending on what you want, for a cup of tea and a chat. If the weather is nice and the volunteer has a car and the older person is mobile then the cup of tea and chat can be at a local tea room.
Volunteer responsibilities
- All volunteers are interviewed, have references taken and are CRB checked to enhanced level.
- The volunteers do not do any personal care, nursing care or lifting. They are there as a friend.
- The volunteers responsibility is to look after the older person, giving the same care as a relative or friend.
- Some volunteers choose to use their own cars to take people out, to do this we ensure that the volunteer has notified their car insurers to cover them for this type of activity.
- The volunteer does not replace the duties carried out by the statutory services.
For further information contact Ryedale Carers Support on 01751 432288
What will it cost?
There is no charge for this service. Ryedale Carers Support reimburses the volunteer for any out of pocket expenses such as petrol costs. If you would like to make a donation please speak to a member of staff or go to Make a Donation.