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Volunteering with Ryedale Carers Support

Just a small amount of your time each week or fortnight could bring companionship to an older person living alone, or allow a carer to have a much needed break from the pressures and responsibilities of looking after someone full time.

As a volunteer with Ryedale Carers Support you will not be asked to do any lifting, or provide any medical or personal care. The volunteer’s role is to provide the social and emotional support of a friend over a chat and a cup of tea either at the person’s home or in a local café.

All out of pocket expenses, such as travel expenses are met by Ryedale Carers Support and our volunteers have the opportunity to meet other like-minded people at our social and training events, all of which are optional.

The work we do offers a rewarding sense of satisfaction and you will be helping people often overlooked in the busy day to day life of our local community.

Information for Volunteers - find out more about volunteering for Ryedale Carers Support - click here.

If you would like to talk through the possibilities of becoming a volunteer please contact Ryedale Carers Support on 01751 432288 or email us at

Volunteers Newsletter

AutumnPDF.pdf (453.4KB)

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